Table Of Contents
- datacenter network
- TCP – Transmission Control Protocol
- IP – Internet Protocol
- ISP – Internet Service Providers
- Packet: data breaks into chunks
- DSL – digital subscriber line
- delay vs. loss
- ourput buffer == output queue
- FDM – frequency-division multiplexing
- Server
- Client
- traffic intensity
- congest → uncontested = no queuing delay
- Throughput
- bottleneck link
- protocol stack
- message 报文
- payload field
- Encapsulation
- OSI – Open Systems Interconnection
What is Internet
Network of networks
Each ISP is a network of packet switches and communication links
- hosts / end-system
- end-system connects with internet through ISP
- end systems of a computer network are interconnected by a network of communication links and packet switches
- links: wired or wireless
- switches
- router
- link-layer switches
Service Description
infrastructure that provides services to applications
usually distributed applications
A protocol defines the format and the order of messages exchanged between two or more communicating entities, as well as the actions taken on the transmission and/or receipt of a message or other event.
- rules → to control
- order → to action
- principal protocols is TCP/IP
Network Edge
End system == host
Contain clients and servers
Most servers in datacenter
Wireless vs. Wired
Connection:End-systems: application
- C/S(Client – server): request exchange
- p2p(Peer – peer): Skype
Access Networks
End-systems connect with each other
- Home Access (Majority 1 & 2 and both asymmetric不对称)
- DSL ⇒ telephone
- cable ⇒ cable television
- FTTH 光纤到户
- PON 无源光纤
- HFC is used as well
- Enterprise and Home (company)
- Ethernet
- WiFi
- Wireless
Physical Media 物理媒介
Guided Media vs. Unguided Media
Physical media brings delay
Network Core
2 key functions: routing and forwarding
Packet Switching
- store-and-forward transmission
- store firstly and then transmit the entire packet together
- forwarding table – maps destination addresses, formed by routing algorithms
- router uses the the packet’s destination address and checks its forwarding table to find the appropriate outbound link
- end to end delay
- dend−to−end=NLR
- the bits in packet cannot arrive at the same time → cause a delay (within one packet)
- 一个分组内到达有延迟
- packet loss
- queuing delay
- arrive > service
- buffer completely full
- 一整个packet到达一个link时 link正在处理传输另一个packet 就导致queuing delay
- No free buffer → arriving packets dropped→loss
Circuit Switching
- mainly used in telephone (traditional digital telephone networks)
- reserves bandwidth in each link along the path
- unused connection causes “wasting”
- before transmitting data between two end systems, the network establishes a dedicated end-to-end connection between the end systems
- oversea / long telephone networks use packet switching instead of tradition circuit
- packet switching offers better sharing of transmission capacity
- packet switching is simpler, more efficient, and cost less
- packet switching is better to handle bursty data
Network of Networks

- organized in a hierarchy
- Tier-n ISPs provide service to tier-(n+1) ISPs
- access ISPs contain residental ISPs, enterprice ISPs, Unverisity ISPs
- employed IP
Delay, Loss, Throughput in packet-switched
throughput 吞吐量
4 types

nodal processing delay
- microseconds or less
- examine the packet’s header
- determine where to direct the packet
- check for bit-level errors
queuing delay
- depend on the number of earlier-arriving packets
- 0 to very long
- microseconds to milliseconds
transmission delay
- 组内延迟 与传输时间无关
- L 是packet的长度 单位bits
- R 是链路传输速率 是推出整个分组的速率
- microseconds to milliseconds
propagation delay
- depends on the physical medium
- 2−3×108 equal to, or a little less than, the speed of light
- 传播延迟 与组内无关 以整体为单位
- d – distance between router
- s – the propagation speed of the link
Packet vs Circuit
- Assuming
- Total bits – x
- Total packets – p
- Transmission rate – b
- Total link – k
- Propagation on each link – d
- time to establish the connection – s
- Packet: 所有分组的传输时间和 + 最后一个分组的等待时间 + 传播时间
- Circuit:
traffic intensity
- a is in units of packets/sec – average rate
- 1 ⇒ arrive > exceed ⇒ queue increases ⇒ delay infinity
- →1 ⇒ delay→1
- →0 ⇒ delay→0

- sends back to the source a short message when arriving at each router
- 向每台router发一个packet
- 时间是往返时延!
- n 可能比 n+1 大
- 接收量 / 时间
- For a router, F=min{Rc,Rs} ⇒ 类似“关键活动”
- in > out ⇒ backlog bits ⇒ unexpected
- bottleneck link
- Total delay is all this 4 types combined
- processing delay strongly influences a router’s maximum throughput
- Queuing delay is the most decisive
- the buffer of a router is full ⇒ no place to store packet ⇒ packet dropped ⇒ loss
- assuming network uncongested, dend−end=N(dproc+dtrans+dprop)
Protocol Layers and Their Service Models
Layered architecture
- Each layer provides its service by:
- performing certain actions within that layer
- using the services of the layer directly below it
- Advantage
- the modularity making it much easier to change the implementation of the service provided by the layer
- the ability to change the implementation of a service without affecting other components of the system
- Implement of service ≠ service
- protocol stack
- application
- message
- network applications and their application-layer protocols
- transport
- segment
- TCP: connection-oriented, congestion-control
- UDP: connectionless, no reliability, no flow control, no congestion control
- process to process
- network
- datagram
- IP
- host to host
- link
- frame
- Ethernet, WiFi, and the cable access network’s DOCSIS protocol
- node to node
- physical
- application

- add 2 layer
- presentation: allow applications to interpret meaning of data 加密压缩 数据格式转换
- session: synchronization, checkpointing, recovery of data exchange 同步 数据交换
- add 2 layer

- header fields and a payload field in each layer ( PDU )
- payload field is from previous layer
- 逐层封装
Internet Architecture
- IP over everything, everything over IP
- Defined by IETF
- Features
- Does not imply strict layering 不是完全封闭按流程 Application 可以也直接使用其他协议
- An hour-glass shape
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